expand (windows)

Posted by tldr
Public (Editable by Users)

Uncompress one or more Windows Cabinet files. More information: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/expand .

# Uncompress a single-file Cabinet file to the specified directory:
expand {{path/to/file.cab}} {{path/to/directory}}

# Display the list of files in a source Cabinet file:
expand {{path/to/file.cab}} {{path/to/directory}} -d

# Uncompress all files from the Cabinet file:
expand {{path/to/file.cab}} {{path/to/directory}} -f:*

# Uncompress a specific file from a Cabinet file:
expand {{path/to/file.cab}} {{path/to/directory}} -f:{{file}}

# Ignore the directory structure when uncompressing, and add them to a single directory:
expand {{path/to/file.cab}} {{path/to/directory}} -i