Value in Go

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Public (Editable by Users)

Value is the interface to the dynamic value stored in a flag. (The default value is represented as a string.)

package main

import (

type URLValue struct {
	URL *url.URL

func (v URLValue) String() string {
	if v.URL != nil {
		return v.URL.String()
	return ""

func (v URLValue) Set(s string) error {
	if u, err := url.Parse(s); err != nil {
		return err
	} else {
		*v.URL = *u
	return nil

var u = &url.URL{}

func main() {
	fs := flag.NewFlagSet("ExampleValue", flag.ExitOnError)
	fs.Var(&URLValue{u}, "url", "URL to parse")

	fs.Parse([]string{"-url", ""})
	fmt.Printf(`{scheme: %q, host: %q, path: %q}`, u.Scheme, u.Host, u.Path)
