GoStringer in Go

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GoStringer is implemented by any value that has a GoString method, which defines the Go syntax for that value. The GoString method is used to print values passed as an operand to a %#v format.

package main

import (

// Address has a City, State and a Country.
type Address struct {
	City    string
	State   string
	Country string

// Person has a Name, Age and Address.
type Person struct {
	Name string
	Age  uint
	Addr *Address

// GoString makes Person satisfy the GoStringer interface.
// The return value is valid Go code that can be used to reproduce the Person struct.
func (p Person) GoString() string {
	if p.Addr != nil {
		return fmt.Sprintf("Person{Name: %q, Age: %d, Addr: &Address{City: %q, State: %q, Country: %q}}", p.Name, int(p.Age), p.Addr.City, p.Addr.State, p.Addr.Country)
	return fmt.Sprintf("Person{Name: %q, Age: %d}", p.Name, int(p.Age))

func main() {
	p1 := Person{
		Name: "Warren",
		Age:  31,
		Addr: &Address{
			City:    "Denver",
			State:   "CO",
			Country: "U.S.A.",
	// If GoString() wasn't implemented, the output of `fmt.Printf("%#v", p1)` would be similar to
	// Person{Name:"Warren", Age:0x1f, Addr:(*main.Address)(0x10448240)}
	fmt.Printf("%#v\n", p1)

	p2 := Person{
		Name: "Theia",
		Age:  4,
	// If GoString() wasn't implemented, the output of `fmt.Printf("%#v", p2)` would be similar to
	// Person{Name:"Theia", Age:0x4, Addr:(*main.Address)(nil)}
	fmt.Printf("%#v\n", p2)
