Scanner.Scan in Go

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Scan scans the next token and returns the token position, the token, and its literal string if applicable. The source end is indicated by token.EOF.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// src is the input that we want to tokenize.
	src := []byte("cos(x) + 1i*sin(x) // Euler")

	// Initialize the scanner.
	var s scanner.Scanner
	fset := token.NewFileSet()                      // positions are relative to fset
	file := fset.AddFile("", fset.Base(), len(src)) // register input "file"
	s.Init(file, src, nil /* no error handler */, scanner.ScanComments)

	// Repeated calls to Scan yield the token sequence found in the input.
	for {
		pos, tok, lit := s.Scan()
		if tok == token.EOF {
		fmt.Printf("%s\t%s\t%q\n", fset.Position(pos), tok, lit)