Value (ReadMostly) in Go

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The following example shows how to maintain a scalable frequently read, but infrequently updated data structure using copy-on-write idiom.

package main

import (

func main() {
	type Map map[string]string
	var m atomic.Value
	var mu sync.Mutex // used only by writers
	// read function can be used to read the data without further synchronization
	read := func(key string) (val string) {
		m1 := m.Load().(Map)
		return m1[key]
	// insert function can be used to update the data without further synchronization
	insert := func(key, val string) {
		mu.Lock() // synchronize with other potential writers
		defer mu.Unlock()
		m1 := m.Load().(Map) // load current value of the data structure
		m2 := make(Map)      // create a new value
		for k, v := range m1 {
			m2[k] = v // copy all data from the current object to the new one
		m2[key] = val // do the update that we need
		m.Store(m2)   // atomically replace the current object with the new one
		// At this point all new readers start working with the new version.
		// The old version will be garbage collected once the existing readers
		// (if any) are done with it.
	_, _ = read, insert