Time.Unix in Go

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Unix returns t as a Unix time, the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC. The result does not depend on the location associated with t.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// 1 billion seconds of Unix, three ways.
	fmt.Println(time.Unix(1e9, 0).UTC())     // 1e9 seconds
	fmt.Println(time.Unix(0, 1e18).UTC())    // 1e18 nanoseconds
	fmt.Println(time.Unix(2e9, -1e18).UTC()) // 2e9 seconds - 1e18 nanoseconds

	t := time.Date(2001, time.September, 9, 1, 46, 40, 0, time.UTC)
	fmt.Println(t.Unix())     // seconds since 1970
	fmt.Println(t.UnixNano()) // nanoseconds since 1970