Compute Arctangent

Examples Filter
// Calculates angle of a right-angle triangle in radians
function calcAngle(opposite, adjacent) {
  return Math.atan(opposite / adjacent);

console.log(calcAngle(8, 10));
// expected output: 0.6747409422235527

console.log(calcAngle(5, 3));
// expected output: 1.0303768265243125

Math.atan(1);   // 0.7853981633974483
Math.atan(0);   // 0
Math.atan(-0);  // -0

Math.atan(Infinity);   //  1.5707963267948966
Math.atan(-Infinity);  // -1.5707963267948966

// The angle that the line [(0,0);(x,y)] forms with the x-axis in a Cartesian coordinate system
Math.atan(y / x);
package main

import (

func main() {
	fmt.Printf("%.2f", math.Atan(0))