Compute Arctangent of y/x

Computes the arc tangent of y/x, using the signs of the two to determine the quadrant of the return value.

Examples in JavaScript
function calcAngleDegrees(x, y) {
  return Math.atan2(y, x) * 180 / Math.PI;

console.log(calcAngleDegrees(5, 5));
//expected output: 45

console.log(calcAngleDegrees(10, 10));
//expected output: 45

console.log(calcAngleDegrees(0, 10));
//expected output: 90

Math.atan2(90, 15); // 1.4056476493802699
Math.atan2(15, 90); // 0.16514867741462683

Math.atan2(±0, -0);               // ±PI.
Math.atan2(±0, +0);               // ±0.
Math.atan2(±0, -x);               // ±PI for x > 0.
Math.atan2(±0, x);                // ±0 for x > 0.
Math.atan2(-y, ±0);               // -PI/2 for y > 0.
Math.atan2(y, ±0);                // PI/2 for y > 0.
Math.atan2(±y, -Infinity);        // ±PI for finite y > 0.
Math.atan2(±y, +Infinity);        // ±0 for finite y > 0.
Math.atan2(±Infinity, x);         // ±PI/2 for finite x.
Math.atan2(±Infinity, -Infinity); // ±3*PI/4.
Math.atan2(±Infinity, +Infinity); // ±PI/4.