Examples using... "regexp"
Package regexp implements regular expression search.
SubexpNames returns the names of the parenthesized subexpressions
in this Regexp. The name for the first sub-expression is names[1],
so that if m is a match slice, the name for m[i] is SubexpNames()[i].
Since the Regexp as a whole cannot be named, names[0] is always
the empty string. The slice shoul...
Split slices s into substrings separated by the expression and returns a slice of
the substrings between those expression matches.
ReplaceAllStringFunc returns a copy of src in which all matches of the
Regexp have been replaced by the return value of function repl applied
to the matched substring. The replacement returned by repl is substituted
directly, without using Expand.
ReplaceAllString returns a copy of src, replacing matches of the Regexp
with the replacement string repl. Inside repl, $ signs are interpreted as
in Expand, so for instance $1 represents the text of the first submatch.
ReplaceAllLiteralString returns a copy of src, replacing matches of the Regexp
with the replacement string repl. The replacement repl is substituted directly,
without using Expand.
MatchString reports whether the string s
contains any match of the regular expression re.
Match reports whether the byte slice b
contains any match of the regular expression re.
FindSubmatch returns a slice of slices holding the text of the leftmost
match of the regular expression in b and the matches, if any, of its
subexpressions, as defined by the 'Submatch' descriptions in the package
A return value of nil indicates no match.
FindStringSubmatch returns a slice of strings holding the text of the
leftmost match of the regular expression in s and the matches, if any, of
its subexpressions, as defined by the 'Submatch' description in the
package comment.
A return value of nil indicates no match.
FindStringIndex returns a two-element slice of integers defining the
location of the leftmost match in s of the regular expression. The match
itself is at s[loc[0]:loc[1]].
A return value of nil indicates no match.
FindString returns a string holding the text of the leftmost match in s of the regular
expression. If there is no match, the return value is an empty string,
but it will also be empty if the regular expression successfully matches
an empty string. Use FindStringIndex or FindStringSubmatch if it is
FindIndex returns a two-element slice of integers defining the location of
the leftmost match in b of the regular expression. The match itself is at
A return value of nil indicates no match.
FindAllSubmatchIndex is the 'All' version of FindSubmatchIndex; it returns
a slice of all successive matches of the expression, as defined by the
'All' description in the package comment.
A return value of nil indicates no match.
FindAllSubmatch is the 'All' version of FindSubmatch; it returns a slice
of all successive matches of the expression, as defined by the 'All'
description in the package comment.
A return value of nil indicates no match.
FindAllStringSubmatchIndex is the 'All' version of
FindStringSubmatchIndex; it returns a slice of all successive matches of
the expression, as defined by the 'All' description in the package
A return value of nil indicates no match.
FindAllStringSubmatch is the 'All' version of FindStringSubmatch; it
returns a slice of all successive matches of the expression, as defined by
the 'All' description in the package comment.
A return value of nil indicates no match.
FindAllString is the 'All' version of FindString; it returns a slice of all
successive matches of the expression, as defined by the 'All' description
in the package comment.
A return value of nil indicates no match.
FindAll is the 'All' version of Find; it returns a slice of all successive
matches of the expression, as defined by the 'All' description in the
package comment.
A return value of nil indicates no match.
Find returns a slice holding the text of the leftmost match in b of the regular expression.
A return value of nil indicates no match.
ExpandString is like Expand but the template and source are strings.
It appends to and returns a byte slice in order to give the calling
code control over allocation.
Expand appends template to dst and returns the result; during the
append, Expand replaces variables in the template with corresponding
matches drawn from src. The match slice should have been returned by
QuoteMeta returns a string that escapes all regular expression metacharacters
inside the argument text; the returned string is a regular expression matching
the literal text.
MatchString reports whether the string s
contains any match of the regular expression pattern.
More complicated queries need to use Compile and the full Regexp interface.
Match reports whether the byte slice b
contains any match of the regular expression pattern.
More complicated queries need to use Compile and the full Regexp interface.