Examples using... time.Minute

Truncate returns the result of rounding t down to a multiple of d (since the zero time). If d <= 0, Truncate returns t stripped of any monotonic clock reading but otherwise unchanged.
Round returns the result of rounding t to the nearest multiple of d (since the zero time). The rounding behavior for halfway values is to round up. If d <= 0, Round returns t stripped of any monotonic clock reading but otherwise unchanged.
Truncate returns the result of rounding d toward zero to a multiple of m. If m <= 0, Truncate returns d unchanged.
Round returns the result of rounding d to the nearest multiple of m. The rounding behavior for halfway values is to round away from zero. If the result exceeds the maximum (or minimum) value that can be stored in a Duration, Round returns the maximum (or minimum) duration. If m <= 0, Round returns d...
X509KeyPair parses a public/private key pair from a pair of PEM encoded data. On successful return, Certificate.Leaf will be nil because the parsed form of the certificate is not retained.